If you live in an older home, you’re probably used to a dial or slider analog thermostat. While these can technically still “get the job done,” they won’t give you the benefits of new and improved programmable thermostats, which are digital and offer so much more in the way of heating and cooling for your home. If the thought of …
3 Ways to Efficiently Lower Your AC Cost
The cool weather has yet to arrive, and if you’re feeling the heat like us, your AC is still kicked into high gear. Sometimes, it can be hard to stay cool without going broke! Running your AC will cool your home down, of course, but it may also create quite the electric bill if you’re not careful. Luckily, there are …
Prevent Costly Repairs with Monthly Maintenance Tips from Our AC Company
Owning a home comes with lots of responsibilities. Not only do you have to pay your bills on time every month, but there’s the maintenance to consider. Between painting the siding, staining the deck, changing those pesky light bulbs, and daily cleaning, it seems like a tall order. With all that on your plate, it’s easy to overlook the importance …